Saturday, May 26, 2007

First Show completed and Posted!!

Blogtalkradio.com's newest show "The Hawg Pen" is now on the air!!!

Reg-e "The Militant Redneck", Bobroony, and Gooch have just taped their first live show!! It should be playing (if not, press play on the icon to the left), and we're hoping to bring more to you soon, including an entertainment segment (with a political bent) and poker news and tips.

Bobroony's suggestion of a weekly blog topic is a great idea, and feel free to email us with any topic you think we should discuss. We'll be sure these are posted soon.

We'll keep you up to date here (so check back often) on our future shows.

Thanks for listening to The Hawg Pen on blogtalkradio

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Gotta Get Something Off Your Chest?