1) Legalize drugs
2) open up "legal" immigration for all who want to come here.
I know, that doesn't make a lot of sense, on the surface. But look deeper. Lets talk about why illegal immigrants are here. They are either here for work, or to sell and/or distribute drugs. The argument against open borders always seems to be "but the drug dealers would have an easier time getting drugs into the country".
Well if drugs were legal, there would be no need in sneaking them across the border. If we legalized drugs, we'd take away Mexico's #1 export, and the Mexican Cartel, er uh Government would have to work for the people, instead of the drug lords for a change. Mexico is our last best chance at really solving the illegal immigration issue. They will ultimately solve this issue, not us.
If we'd legalize drugs we'd also solve many of the gang problems our nation faces. Sure there would still be gangs, but who pays attention to anyone who doesn't have money? Ask Ron Paul that question, and see what he says! It would transform low-income areas, and put people back to work. Maybe we wouldn't need so many illegal immigrants, if the illegal drug dealers had to get a job.
Oh yeah, and we'd give our family farms a figurative heroine buzz, because they'd gain several cash crops to support their business.
Then, if we'd open up the borders to people who wanted to get jobs, the only people sneaking across would be up to no good. We wouldn't have to guess whether they were just here to make a better life?
Of course, then we'd have to vote in an administration who was willing to enforce the laws, but that's another topic for another day
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