I can't remember a time in my life when those three words have had more meaning. Today, and over the last several days those three words reverberated through the hallowed halls of Washington like a ringing bell of atonement. Finally, the politicians that we hired to look after our affairs have heard our voice about the president's failed attempt at immigration reform.
Now that we have their attention, maybe they'll take notice when we speak out against the lack of enforcement at our borders. One case in particular which should bare an equal amount of outrage is the incomprehensible prosecution of border agents Ignacio Ramos, and Jose Compean. These two agents are serving extensive jail terms for protecting the sovereignty of the United States, and for doing their job. They used force in an attempt to arrest an illegal immigrant carrying a van load of marijuana across the border into our country. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe in the ridiculous drug laws in this country, but that's a debate for another day. The fact of the matter is they are paid to protect our borders, and that's what landed them in jail. The illegal immigrant they shot trying to flee back to Mexico was given full immunity in exchange for his testimony to the shooting. I don't know about the rest of you, but what playbook is the DA and homeland security looking at. The wrongful imprisonment of these two agents is wrong on so many different levels, that I cannot begin to wrap my head around it.
Now that we got the full attention of our elected leaders, it is time we voiced our outrage on this issue. There is no doubt that the president should use is power to pardon these agents, and frankly I can't understand what is taking so long. Believe me when I say this, I not one of those Bush haters. I support the president, and I voted for him both times, but his lack of involvement in this issue, and his misguided judgment on securing our borders is a mistake that may come back to bite us in the ass. We have to take a stand on securing our borders, or else we are inviting another 9/11.
We the people…