Now, I think that two reasonable people can debate whether its caused by human activity or not. Credible evidence can be given to support both sides of this argument. I personally believe that human activity is speeding up a climate change that was going to happen eventually.
Of course, I was a D student in science class, so I'm not claiming to be a knowledgeable source.
I would rather my great-grandchildren laugh at my generation because we tried to stop something we couldn't stop and didn't cause, than my great-grandchildren hate my generation because we did nothing, and we could have.
I believe that green technology and green business and products are a great example of capitalism at its best, and I think that we have an opportunity to take the lead in this market. Our private industries should invest in green technology, so that they can be more efficient. It makes good business sense.
I believe the military could lead the charge toward energy independence. The military invented the Internet. And the A-Bomb. If you give them a goal, they will work to achieve it.
Are we doomed? No. But I don't think we should sit around and do nothing.
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