Saturday, June 2, 2007

Episode 1: Recap

Episode 1 has been posted for your entertainment and enlightenment. The Hawg Pen Discusses the immigration issue, Hillary Clinton and the RNC, and Ron Paul (Gooch is going to make a believer out of both of them yet!) Shayla gives a riveting entertainment report, and The Hawg Pen dedicates a Corey Smith Song in memory of "Uncle Skeet", an honorary member of the Pen.

Don't forget to listen to the whole show, because Gooch plays a couple of real country tunes by Corey Smith and Kellee Gooch.

Tell your friends, spread the word, The Hawg Pen is now On The Air!

Email The Hawg Pen with any questions, comments or suggestions. They probably won't take any advice you might have, but its worth a try.

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